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The Collection consists of heritage exhibitions displaying the history of the Australian SAS from its inception in 1957 to the present day.


The heritage exhibitions acknowledge the achievements of the Australian SAS, which enhances individual and unit morale and esprit de corps and provides a research and learning facility for SASR members.



Mission, Mandate, Vision, Goals and Ethics | view


Constitution - Objects, Powers and Duties. | view


Volunteer members of the Foundation who had met specific service parameters from 1998 to 2011 inclusive were awarded a Special Operations Commander Australia Silver Commendation in April 2012.   read more...


If you are a serving or former SAS member and would like to join SAS Historical Foundation, please contact us.





SAS Historical Foundation



The SAS Historical Foundation is a Registered Gift Deductible Recipient. The Foundation’s Constitution was registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in 1998 but is now responsible to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.


 The Foundation comprises mainly former members of the Australian SAS who voluntarily manage the SAS Historical Collection on behalf of SASR.








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